FC4238 Low injection air auxiliary pressure detected in metering pump
(Mixing chamber pressure diagnosis)
Prerequisites for diagnostic operation:
Injection metering phase
· Conditions for fault code trigger:
1. The mixing chamber pressure is lower than the set value
- The FC4238 will be triggered for 20 seconds after the above conditions are met.
The system response forbids leakage.
A post-processing system will empty and then stay in the Error state
- The system will always monitor the error status, and if the fault code trigger condition no longer exists (mixing chamber pressure =330~430Kpa), the system error status will be restored.
FC4238 Diagnosis and elimination procedures
Possible causes of the fault:
- Air supply line resistance or blockage
- The air supply line is damaged
One body air supply pressure is insufficient
- The air path in the metering pump is blocked
-DEF jet pipe leak
-ASOV adhesions are usually closed
-ASOV Internal damage
Fault code not current method:
For the reasonableness check of the sensor, after the above faults are eliminated, the fault code can be changed to non-current after the loading test of the metering pump.
Low DEF pressure detected in FC3574 metering pump
Prerequisites for diagnostic operation:
- Metering pump pre-filling successful
Conditions for fault code triggering:
1. DEF pressure is below the set value of 440Kpa
2. DEF pressure < (reference pressure minus 100Kpa)
- After the above conditions are met, the FC3574 will be triggered for 20 seconds.